Portland Game Store X-Wing Store Championship

October 21, 2023
Event #4157
Ello Asty
Crack Shot, R6-D8, Integrated S-Foils
Jessika Pava
Ferrosphere Paint, BB Astromech, Integrated S-Foils
Venisa Doza
Marksmanship, Barrage Rockets, Integrated S-Foils
Nimi Chireen
Shield Upgrade, Integrated S-Foils
Temmin Wexley
Marksmanship, Shield Upgrade, Integrated S-Foils
#1: thegrodon
View in YASB
Anakin Skywalker (Delta-7b)
Shield Upgrade, R4-P Astromech, Crack Shot
Mace Windu (Delta-7b)
R4-P17, Heightened Perception
R4-P Astromech, Veteran Tail Gunner, Expert Handling
"Odd Ball" (SoC)
Selfless, Veteran Tail Gunner, R4-P Astromech
#2: obijuan
View in YASB
Old Teroch
Beskar Reinforced Plating, Crack Shot, Fearless
Fenn Rau
Mandalorian Optics, Beskar Reinforced Plating, Predator, Fearless
Leema Kai
R4-B11, Plasma Torpedoes
Contraband Cybernetics, Proton Cannons, Fearless
Bossk (Z-95 Headhunter)
Marksmanship, Deadeye Shot
#4: jchurchman
View in YASB
Bodica Venj
Mandalorian Optics, Beskar Reinforced Plating, Predator
Fenn Rau (Rebel Fang)
Beskar Reinforced Plating, Crack Shot, Predator
Hera Syndulla (A-Wing)
Crack Shot, Marksmanship
Sabine Wren (TIE Fighter)
Lone Wolf
Benthic Two Tubes
Pivot Wing, Perceptive Copilot, Jyn Erso, Hopeful
#4: pdxwing
View in YASB
Han Solo
"Chopper" (Crew), Perceptive Copilot, Bistan, Millennium Falcon, Engine Upgrade
Luke Skywalker (BoY)
Attack Speed (BoY), Instinctive Aim, Proton Torpedoes, R2-D2 (BoY)
Wedge Antilles (A-Wing)
Predator, Marksmanship
Keo Venzee
Sabine Wren (TIE Fighter)
Beskar Reinforced Plating
#5: “Diablo” (Tim Nakayama)
View in LBN
Major Vonreg
Mag-Pulse Warheads, Deuterium Power Cells, Predator, Marksmanship
Kylo Ren (TIE Whisper)
Enhanced Jamming Suite, Concussion Missiles, Predator, Malice, Instinctive Aim
Commander Malarus
Mag-Pulse Warheads
Lieutenant LeHuse
Special Forces Gunner, Barrage Rockets, Marksmanship
Lieutenant Galek
Heavy Laser Cannon, Proud Tradition
#6: Ben McCarty
View in YASB
Durge (Separatist)
Contraband Cybernetics, Independent Calculations, Marksmanship, Synced Laser Cannons
Cad Bane (Separatist)
Synced Laser Cannons, Xanadu Blood, Contraband Cybernetics, Elusive, Independent Calculations
Synced Laser Cannons, Engine Upgrade, Independent Calculations
Repulsorlift Stabilizers, Kraken
DBS-32C (SoC)
Plasma Torpedoes, Contingency Protocol (SoC), Strut-Lock Override (SoC)
The Iron Assembler
Grappling Struts, Discord Missiles, Independent Calculations
#7: Austin
View in LBN
Rear Admiral Chiraneau
Ruthless, Darth Vader, Death Troopers, Agile Gunner, Electronic Baffle, Dauntless
Tomax Bren (TBE)
True Grit (TBE), Plasma Torpedoes, Ion Bombs
Major Rhymer
Ruthless, Cluster Missiles, Mag-Pulse Warheads, Seismic Charges
Captain Feroph
Ruthless, 0-0-0
"Deathfire" (TBE)
Swift Approach (TBE), Conner Nets, Proton Bombs
#8: Josh Dunne
View in YASB
Nien Nunb
Predator, Pattern Analyzer, Shield Upgrade, Integrated S-Foils
Jessika Pava
Ferrosphere Paint, BB Astromech, Integrated S-Foils
Ello Asty
Marksmanship, Ferrosphere Paint, R6-D8, Integrated S-Foils
Zorii Bliss
Ferrosphere Paint, R4 Astromech, Wartime Loadout, Mag-Pulse Warheads
Jarek Yeager
Heroic, Marksmanship, M9-G8, Targeting Computer, Kaz's Fireball
#9: Brian H
View in YASB
Lando Calrissian (Resistance)
C-3PO (Resistance), Rey, Contraband Cybernetics, Rey's Millennium Falcon
Nien Nunb
Heroic, Pattern Analyzer, R6-D8, Integrated S-Foils, Heavy Laser Cannon
Ello Asty
Heroic, R4 Astromech, Integrated S-Foils, Mag-Pulse Warheads
Temmin Wexley
Crack Shot, Integrated S-Foils, Heavy Laser Cannon
#10: dragonkin
View in YASB
Anakin Skywalker (SoC)
Malice, Ancillary Ion Weapons (SoC), R2-D2 (Republic)
Padmé Amidala
Marksmanship, Passive Sensors, Proton Torpedoes
"Odd Ball" (SoC)
Selfless, Veteran Tail Gunner, R4-P Astromech
"Wolffe" (SoC)
Wolfpack (SoC), Veteran Tail Gunner, Q7 Astromech
"Jag" (SoC)
Veteran Tail Gunner, R4-P Astromech, Synchronized Console
#11: jocas
View in YASB
Shaak Ti (SoC)
Marksmanship, Brilliant Evasion, Ancillary Ion Weapons (SoC), R4-P Astromech
"Odd Ball" (SoC)
Selfless, Veteran Tail Gunner, R4-P Astromech
"Kickback" (SoC)
Diamond-Boron Missiles, Munitions Failsafe
"Axe" (SoC)
Deadeye Shot, Barrage Rockets
Padmé Amidala
Proton Torpedoes, R4-P17, Fire-Control System
Fire-Control System, Synchronized Console
#12: toasterlover
View in LBN
Bo-Katan Kryze (Republic)
Clan Training, Death Watch Commandos, Mandalorian Optics, Gauntlet, Swivel Wing
Pre Vizsla
Notorious, Contraband Cybernetics, Mandalorian Optics, Swivel Wing
Energy-Shell Charges, Grappling Struts
Haor Chall Prototype
Energy-Shell Charges, Grappling Struts
Haor Chall Prototype
Energy-Shell Charges, Grappling Struts
The Iron Assembler
Energy-Shell Charges, Grappling Struts
#13: Steve M.
View in YASB
Commander Malarus
Mag-Pulse Warheads
Crack Shot, Predator
Enhanced Jamming Suite, Advanced Optics, Cluster Missiles, Predator
Kylo Ren (TIE Whisper)
Enhanced Jamming Suite, Advanced Optics, Concussion Missiles, Brilliant Evasion, Instinctive Aim
Fire-Control System, Special Forces Gunner, Targeting Synchronizer, Swarm Tactics, Fanatical
#14: David Doncheck
View in YASB
Han Solo
Millennium Falcon, Engine Upgrade, Bistan, Perceptive Copilot
Norra Wexley
Veteran Tail Gunner, Hopeful, Expert Handling
Luke Skywalker (BoY)
Attack Speed (BoY), Instinctive Aim, Proton Torpedoes, R2-D2 (BoY)
Keo Venzee
#15: annakin
View in YASB
Taka Jamoreesa
False Transponder Codes, R4 Astromech, Ion Cannon, Heroic
Wilsa Teshlo
Barrage Rockets, Wartime Loadout, Watchful Astromech, Dorsal Turret
Teza Nasz
Barrage Rockets, Wartime Loadout, Watchful Astromech, Dorsal Turret
Temmin Wexley
Integrated S-Foils, R6-D8, Ferrosphere Paint, Heroic
Ello Asty
Integrated S-Foils, R4 Astromech, Ferrosphere Paint, Heroic, Marksmanship
#16: z_pioneer
View in YASB
The Mandalorian
The Child, Mandalorian Optics, Razor Crest
Boba Fett
Ahsoka Tano (Crew), Contraband Cybernetics, Marauder, Veteran Tail Gunner
Old Teroch
Clan Training, Fearless, Beskar Reinforced Plating, Mandalorian Optics
#17: contrarian
View in YASB
Rear Admiral Chiraneau
Enduring, Minister Tua, Moff Jerjerrod, Tactical Officer, Agile Gunner, Dauntless
Darth Vader (TIE Defender)
Pattern Analyzer, Heavy Laser Cannon
"Dark Curse" (BoY)
Ruthless, Precision Ion Engines
#18: bowballer
View in YASB
Luke Skywalker (BoY)
Attack Speed (BoY), Instinctive Aim, Proton Torpedoes, R2-D2 (BoY)
Garven Dreis
Veteran Tail Gunner, Expert Handling
Hol Okand (BoY)
Dorsal Turret, Adv. Proton Torpedoes, Precise Astromech (BoY)
Wedge Antilles (A-Wing)
Marksmanship, Crack Shot
Keo Venzee
Sabine Wren (TIE Fighter)
Lone Wolf
#19: sploinkin
View in LBN
Poe Dameron
Integrated S-Foils, BB-8, Heavy Laser Cannon, Black One, Overdrive Thruster, Primed Thrusters, Lone Wolf
Nien Nunb
Integrated S-Foils, Heroic, Pattern Analyzer, R6-D8, Heavy Laser Cannon
L'ulo L'ampar
Predator, Marksmanship, Shield Upgrade
Kazuda Xiono
Deadman's Switch, Notorious, Kaz's Fireball, R1-J5
#20: Matt Morresey
View in LBN